Sponsored Post.Math for Machine Learning, by Richard Han.
What does it mean to write “vectorized” code in R?
One often hears that R
can not be fast (false), or more correctly that for fast code in R
you may have to consider “vectorizing.”
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville: Director of the Center for Predictive Analytics/(Associate) Professor of Mathematics and Statistics [Edwardsville, IL]
At: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Location: Edwardsville, ILWeb: www.siue.eduPosition: Director of the Center for Predictive Analytics/(Associate) Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
Whats new on arXiv
Deep Autoencoder for Recommender Systems: Parameter Influence Analysis
Whats new on arXiv
Smart Information Spreading for Opinion Maximization in Social Networks
My R Take in Advent of Code – Day 5
There’s no time to lose, so here comes another Advent of Code puzzle solved using R. Day 5 challenge, here we come! What are we expected to do?
2018 Traffic Data
Now that 2018 has been put to bed, I wanted to share some data.
Improve your AI and Machine Learning skills at AI NEXTCon in Seattle, Jan 23-27
The annual AI NEXTCon is coming up on January 23rd-27th, 2019 in Seattle. AI NEXTCon is specially geared to tech engineers, developers, data scientists to share, learn, and practice AI technology and how applying AI to innovate products and services, solve engineering problems.
5 Ways in which Data Science is Revolutionizing Web Development
It was the industrial revolution in the 1800s that changed the lifestyle of people and the way business happened. Today it is AI and Data Science. Take a domain where a large amount of data is being generated. You will definitely find Data Science transforming it drastically. Be it stock price analysis in finance or advertisement personalization in marketing or even oil and gas exploration.
Whats new on arXiv
Whittemore: An embedded domain specific language for causal programming