Basic Math on How Bloom Filter Works
I gave an overview on bloom filter in the previous blog post. But if I summarize the properties of bloom filter as a data structure;
Random Forest Tutorial: Predicting Crime in San Francisco
Can several wrongs make a right? While it may seem counter-intuitive, this is possible, sometimes even preferable, in designing predictive models for complex problems such as crime prediction.
Conda: Myths and Misconceptions
Myth #10: Everybody should abandon (conda | pip) and use (pip | conda) instead!¶
The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3)
Is BackPropagation Necessary?
In the previous post, we saw how the backprop algorithm itself is a bottleneck in training, and how the Synthetic Gradient approach proposed by DeepMind reduces/avoids network locking during training. While very clever, there is something unsettling about the solution. It seems very contrived, and definitely resource intensive. For example, a simple feed forward network under the scheme has a Rube-Goldbergesque feel to it.
In Praise Of Reinventing The Wheel
“Becoming a Data Scientist” Survey Results 1: Jobs & Education
Here is the 1st batch of results from the Becoming a Data Scientist Survey. Because of the sample size and unscientific casual nature of this survey, we can’t make any broad generalizations about the industry from these results, but you can see some general preliminary trends in the breakdowns that would be interesting to study more.
TensorFlow in a Nutshell — Part One: Basics
If you don’t pay attention, data can drive you off a cliff
You’re a hotshot manager. You love your dashboards and you keep your finger on the beating pulse of the business. You take pride in using data to drive your decisions rather than shooting from the hip like one of those old-school 1950s bosses. This is the 21st century, and data is king. You even hired a sexy statistician or data scientist, though you don’t really understand what they do. Never mind, you can proudly tell all your friends that you are leading a modern data-driven team. Nothing can go wrong, right? Incorrect. If you don’t pay attention, data can drive you off a cliff. This article discusses seven of the ways this can happen. Read on to ensure it doesn’t happen to you.