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Whats new on arXiv
Synthetic Difference in Differences
If you did not already know
Neural Relational Inference (NRI) Interacting systems are prevalent in nature, from dynamical systems in physics to complex societal dynamics. The interplay of components can give rise to complex behavior, which can often be explained using a simple model of the system’s constituent parts. In this work, we introduce the neural relational inference (NRI) model: an unsupervised model that learns to infer interactions while simultaneously learning the dynamics purely from observational data. Our model takes the form of a variational auto-encoder, in which the latent code represents the underlying interaction graph and the reconstruction is based on graph neural networks. In experiments on simulated physical systems, we show that our NRI model can accurately recover ground-truth interactions in an unsupervised manner. We further demonstrate that we can find an interpretable structure and predict complex dynamics in real motion capture and sports tracking data. …
Distilled News
Leaf Plant Classification: An Exploratory Analysis – Part 1
If you did not already know
Residual Policy Learning (RPL) We present Residual Policy Learning (RPL): a simple method for improving nondifferentiable policies using model-free deep reinforcement learning. RPL thrives in complex robotic manipulation tasks where good but imperfect controllers are available. In these tasks, reinforcement learning from scratch remains data-inefficient or intractable, but learning a residual on top of the initial controller can yield substantial improvement. We study RPL in five challenging MuJoCo tasks involving partial observability, sensor noise, model misspecification, and controller miscalibration. By combining learning with control algorithms, RPL can perform long-horizon, sparse-reward tasks for which reinforcement learning alone fails. Moreover, we find that RPL consistently and substantially improves on the initial controllers. We argue that RPL is a promising approach for combining the complementary strengths of deep reinforcement learning and robotic control, pushing the boundaries of what either can achieve independently. …
Combining apparently contradictory evidence
I want to write a more formal article about this, but in the meantime here’s a placeholder.
Document worth reading: “The importance of being dissimilar in Recommendation”
Similarity measures play a fundamental role in memory-based nearest neighbors approaches. They recommend items to a user based on the similarity of either items or users in a neighborhood. In this paper we argue that, although it keeps a leading importance in computing recommendations, similarity between users or items should be paired with a value of dissimilarity (computed not just as the complement of the similarity one). We formally modeled and injected this notion in some of the most used similarity measures and evaluated our approach showing its effectiveness in terms of accuracy results. The importance of being dissimilar in Recommendation
Distilled News
Leaf Plant Classification: An Exploratory Analysis – Part 1
- Getting Data