For yesterday’s battle (Jim Thorpe vs. John Oliver), I’ll have to go with Thorpe. We got a couple arguments in Oliver’s favor—we’d get to hear him say “Whot?”, and he’s English—but for Thorpe we heard a lot more, including his uniqueness as greatest athlete of all time, and that we could save money on the helmet if that were required. We also got the following bad reason: “the chance to hear him say, ‘I’ve been asked to advise those of you who are following this talk on social media, whatever that means, to use “octothorpe talktothorpe.”‘” Even that bad reason ain’t so bad, also it’s got 3 levels of quotation nesting, which counts for something right there. What iced it for Thorpe was this comment from Tom: “Seeing as he could do everything better than everyone else, just by giving it a go, he would surely give an incredible seminar.”
A Non-Compromising Approach to Privacy-Preserving Personalized Services
ByGhazaleh Beigi andHuan Liu, Arizona State University
French Baccalaureate Results
Where does .Renviron live on Citrix?
AI Gotchas (& How to Avoid Them) (Lynn Heidmann)
Now that every company out there is doing artificial intelligence (AI) - or at least claims to be - it’s becoming more and more clear that it’s *way *too easy to fall into a few simple traps that can discredit any well-intentioned efforts. With trust becoming a big topic in the field of AI for 2019, it’s time to be prudent about approaching machine learning-powered initiatives smartly.
If you did not already know
Evoplex is a fast, robust and extensible platform for developing agent-based models and multi-agent systems on networks. Each agent is represented as a node and interacts with its neighbors, as defined by the network structure. Evoplex is ideal for modeling complex systems, for example in evolutionary game theory and computational social science. In Evoplex, the models are not coupled to the execution parameters or the visualization tools, and there is a user-friendly graphical user interface which makes it easy for all users, ranging from newcomers to experienced, to create, analyze, replicate and reproduce the experiments. …
A Beautiful 2 by 2 Matrix Identity
While working on a variation of the RcppDynProg
algorithm we derived the following beautiful identity of 2 by 2 real matrices:
Analysis of South African Funds
Digital Age Economist on Digital Age Economist
Well, I recently decided to do a quick overview of some of the funds I am invested in as part of a retirement annuity. Its been almost 4 years since I started the RA and thought I would just view the fund’s performance, its asset composition and the fees that have been charged over the period.
Top Stories, Dec 24 – Jan 6: The Essence of Machine Learning; Papers with Code: A Fantastic GitHub Resource for Machine Learning
From a Night of Insomnia to Competition Winner | An Interview with Martin Barron
Last year we took our annual data science survey to the next level by turning over the results to YOU through an open-ended Kernel competition.