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Multi-Context Label Embedding (MCLE) Label embedding plays an important role in zero-shot learning. Side information such as attributes, semantic text representations, and label hierarchy are commonly used as the label embedding in zero-shot classification tasks. However, the label embedding used in former works considers either only one single context of the label, or multiple contexts without dependency. Therefore, different contexts of the label may not be well aligned in the embedding space to preserve the relatedness between labels, which will result in poor interpretability of the label embedding. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Context Label Embedding (MCLE) approach to incorporate multiple label contexts, e.g., label hierarchy and attributes, within a unified matrix factorization framework. To be specific, we model each single context by a matrix factorization formula and introduce a shared variable to capture the dependency among different contexts. Furthermore, we enforce sparsity constraint on our multi-context framework to strengthen the interpretability of the learned label embedding. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our MCLE in label description and zero-shot image classification. …

Open Data Platform (ODP) The Open Data Platform Initiative (ODP) is a shared industry effort focused on promoting and advancing the state of Apache Hadoop and Big Data technologies for the enterprise. Enabling Big Data solutions to flourish atop a common core platform. The current ecosystem is challenged and slowed by fragmented and duplicated efforts. The ODP Core will take the guesswork out of the process and accelerate many use cases by running on a common platform. Freeing up enterprises and ecosystem vendors to focus on building business driven applications. …

Nash Averaging Progress in machine learning is measured by careful evaluation on problems of outstanding common interest. However, the proliferation of benchmark suites and environments, adversarial attacks, and other complications has diluted the basic evaluation model by overwhelming researchers with choices. Deliberate or accidental cherry picking is increasingly likely, and designing well-balanced evaluation suites requires increasing effort. In this paper we take a step back and propose Nash averaging. The approach builds on a detailed analysis of the algebraic structure of evaluation in two basic scenarios: agent-vs-agent and agent-vs-task. The key strength of Nash averaging is that it automatically adapts to redundancies in evaluation data, so that results are not biased by the incorporation of easy tasks or weak agents. Nash averaging thus encourages maximally inclusive evaluation — since there is no harm (computational cost aside) from including all available tasks and agents. …

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