Data Notes: How to Forecast the S&P 500 with Prophet

Stock markets, political parties, and extraterrestrials: Enjoy these new, intriguing, and overlooked datasets and kernels.

  1. S 500 Simple Forecasting with Prophet (link)

  2. 📚 arXiv Data Analysis: Computation and Language Papers (link)

  3. 👽 Dysonian SETI with Machine Learning (link)

  4. 🎦 Content-based Recommender Using Text Mining (link)

  5. 🎬 Predicting Cast in TV’s Frasier Based on Dialog (link)

  6. 🇮🇱 Shift in Votes Between Political Parties (link)

  7. 🇰 Data Science Glossary on Kaggle (link)

  8. 🚗 Kaggle Dataset #1: Stanford Cars Dataset (link)

  9. 🔎 Kaggle Dataset #2: Columbia Object Image Library (link)

  10. 🤡 Kaggle Dataset #3: CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (link)


Got unlabeled data? Unsupervised methods like PCA and t-SNE can uncover hidden structure!

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