Static Blog: Jekyll, Hyde and GitHub Pages

This post is a short tutorial on setting up a static Jekyll blog using GitHub pages.

Install Jekyll

Intructions for installing Jekyll can be found here:

MacOS X Install Instructions

  1. Download XCode via App Store – Search for ‘Xcode’ and click install.

  2. In the latest version of XCode the Command Line tools will be atomically installed

On the terminal run  gem install jekyll bundler

Setting up Hyde

We will be using an updated version of the Hyde template for Jekyll  called Hydeout

On the command line, clone the Hydeout template into a new directory using  git clone

Move into this directory and run

  bundle installjekyll serve

jekyll serve

You will now have a working Hydeout blog running locally on your machine.

Setting up GitHub Pages

The following assumes you are using the master branch for your blog.

Repoint the Hydeout template to your personal git repo

  git remote set-url origin https://.git

Push your changes to this repo.

In GitHub:

  1. Go to the Settings of your Project

  2. Go to GitHub pages

  3. Set Source to be your master branch

  4. Wait 30 seconds or so before trying to load your new website.

Updating a post

  1. Ensure your local repo is up-to-date using git pull

  2. Create a new Markdown post under the _post directory

Run   jekyll serve to test your post looks the way you want

  1. Add, Commit and Push your changes to master

  2. Your new post will now appear on the website