Hourly Forecasting of Emergency Department Arrivals : Time Series Analysis
If you did not already know
Vector space embedding models like word2vec, GloVe, fastText, and ELMo are extremely popular representations in natural language processing (NLP) applications. We present Magnitude, a fast, lightweight tool for utilizing and processing embeddings. Magnitude is an open source Python package with a compact vector storage file format that allows for efficient manipulation of huge numbers of embeddings. Magnitude performs common operations up to 60 to 6,000 times faster than Gensim. Magnitude introduces several novel features for improved robustness like out-of-vocabulary lookups. …
Distilled News
XmR Chart – Step-by-Step Guide by Hand and with R
Magister Dixit
“One effect antithetical to exchangeability is “concept drift.” Concept drift is when the meanings and distributions of variables or relations between variables changes over time. Concept drift is a killer: if the relations available to you during training are thought not to hold during later application then you should not expect to build a useful model. This one of the hard lessons that statistics tries so hard to quantify and teach.” John Mount ( November 13, 2014 )
Generating Synthetic Data Sets with ‘synthpop’ in R
Making sense of the METS and ALTO XML standards
Last week I wrote a blog post where I analyzedone year of newspapers ads from 19th century newspapers. The data is made available by thenational library of Luxembourg.In this blog post, which is part 1 of a 2 part series, I extract data from the 257gb archive, whichcontains 10 years of publications of the L’Union, another 19th century Luxembourguish newspaperwritten in French. As I explained in the previous post, to make life easier to data scientists,the national library also included ALTO and METS files (which are a XML files used todescribe the layout and contents of physical text sources, such as pages of a book or newspaper)which can be easily parsed by R.
R Packages worth a look
Import Multiple Files From a Single Directory at Once (tor)The goal of tor (to-R) is to help you to import multiple files from a single directory at once, and to do so as quickly, flexibly, and simply as possib …
XmR Chart | Step-by-Step Guide by Hand and with R
Is your process in control? The XmR chart is a great statistical process control (SPC) tool that can help you answer this question, reduce waste, and increase productivity. We’ll cover the concepts behind XmR charting and explain the XmR control constant with some super simple R code. Lastly, we’ll cover how to make the XmR plot by hand, with base R code, and the ggQC package.
Showing a difference in means between two groups
Visualising a difference in mean between two groups isn’t as straightforward as it should. After all, it’s probably the most common quantitative analysis in science. There are two obvious options: we can either plot the data from the two groups separately, or we can show the estimate of the difference with an interval around it.
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