Top December Stories: Why You Shouldn’t be a Data Science Generalist
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Magister Dixit
“Predictive analytics is an iterative process that begins with an understanding of the question the user wants to answer. By exploring the relationships among different variables using correlation analysis, users can build sophisticated mathematical models that can cut through the complexity of modern computing systems to uncover previously hidden patterns, identify classifications and make associations.” Gabriel Lowy ( January 22, 2015 )
Distilled News
A Hands-On Introduction to Time Series Classification (with Python Code)
Understanding the maths of Computed Tomography (CT) scans
Noseman is having a headache and as an old-school hypochondriac he goes to see his doctor. His doctor is quite worried and makes an appointment with a radiologist for Noseman to get a CT scan.
Top KDnuggets tweets, Jan 02-08: 10 Free Must-Read Books for Machine Learning and Data Science
Most Retweeted, Most Favorited, Most Viewed, Most Clicked :10 Free Must-Read Books for Machine Learning and Data Science
An even better rOpenSci website with Hugo
rOpenSci - open tools for open science
A bit more than one year ago, rOpenSci launched its new website design, by the designer Maru Lango. Not only did the website appearance change (for the better!), but the underlying framework too. is powered by Hugo, like blogdown
! Over the last few months, we’ve made the best of this framework, hopefully improving your browsing experience (and trapping you into binge reading). In this note, we’ll go over the main developments, as well as give some Hugo tips.
ML and NLP Publications in 2018
It is time for another yearly update of the publication statistics in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. The field has continued to grow very rapidly, both in number of publications and number of attendees, breaking all sorts of previous records. Perhaps most notably the initial release of NeurIPS conference tickets sold out in 11 minutes and 38 seconds. In this post I will provide some finer-grained statistics on these numbers, showing which authors and organizations are publishing most at specific conferences.
Nemirovski’s acceleration
I will describe here the very first (to my knowledge) acceleration algorithm for smooth convex optimization, which is due to Arkadi Nemirovski (dating back to the end of the 70’s). The algorithm relies on a
-dimensional plane-search subroutine (which, in theory, can be implemented in
calls to a first-order oracle). He later improved it to only require a
-dimensional line-search in 1981, but of course the breakthrough that everyone knows about came a year after with the famous 1982 paper by Nesterov that gets rid of this extraneous logarithmic term altogether (and in addition is based on the deep insight of modifying Polyak’s momentum).
Industry leaders to speak at Mega-PAW, Las Vegas – June 16-20
Meet the stellar industry leaders speaking at Mega-PAWCaesars Palace, Las Vegas, June 16-20, 2019