A new non-profit artificial intelligence research company has just been founded. According to the announcement made from the company’s website, the goal of the company is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, unconstrained by a need to generate financial return. Announcement was made on the last day of NIPS 2015 conference and a small event was held by OpenAI on 12 December 2015 near the conference venue.
A Year of Approximate Inference: Review of the NIPS 2015 Workshop
Probabilistic inference lies no longer at the fringe. The importance of how we connect our observed data to the assumptions made by our statistical models—the task of inference—was a central part of this year’s Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference: Zoubin Ghahramani’s opening keynote set the stage and the pageant of inference included forecasting, compression, decision making, personalised modelling, and automating the scientific method; Josh Tenenbaum inspired us to think about the central role of of probabilistic inference in building intelligent systems and for our understanding of brains, minds and machines.
László Babai's New Proof
Published Dec. 16, 2015
ICCV 2015, Day 3
This article summarizes the third day of the ICCV 2015 conference, the International Conference on Computer Vision. A summary of the first day and second day is also available.
Weird Number Bases
If you spend time programming computers you are probably very familiar with number bases other than decimal.
|If you spend time programming computers you are probably very familiar with number bases other than decimal.The chances are good that you are very familiar with binary (base 2) and Boolean arithmetic. More manageably, you are probably pretty comfortable with hexadecimal too (base 16).Depending on the systems you work on, you might even have had some experience with octal (base 8).||
ICCV 2015, Day 4
This article summarizes the fourth day of the ICCV 2015 conference, the International Conference on Computer Vision. A summary of the first day, second day, and third day is also available.
ICCV 2015, Day 2
This article summarizes the second day of the ICCV 2015 conference, the International Conference on Computer Vision. A summary of the first day is also available.
Data Science Learning Club
I’m working on the last of my recording and editing for “Episode 0” of the new Becoming A Data Scientist Podcast, which I’m planning to launch tomorrow! I’ve already recorded the interviews for episodes 1-3, which will be airing over the next month or so – so exciting! The guests all had interesting and informative things to share, I believe you’ll like it a lot.
Becoming A Data Scientist Podcast Episode 0: Me!
Here is the first episode of the Becoming a Data Scientist Podcast, which is also available in video form!(sorry for the poor video quality!)
Does AI stand for Alchemical Intelligence?
AI stands for artificial intelligence, but it currently has a lot in common with chemistry in the ages when it was named Alchemy.