By Sciforce.
How Miguel Got 3 Data Science Job Offers Fast With Dataquest
Miguel Couto’s data science story begins with rejection.
R Packages worth a look
Two-Sample Kuiper Test (kuiper.2samp)This function performs the two-sample Kuiper test to assess the anomaly of continuous, one-dimensional probability distributions. References used for t …
ShinyProxy Christmas Release
ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterpriseor larger organizations. Since our previous blog post five releases took place, so it is time to provide the‘state of affairs’ before venturing into the New Year.
The Semantic Web: Where is it now?
With all the excitement around Deep Learning and Blockchain it is easy to miss the outlook for other “enabling technologies”, especially those ignored or forgotten by industry for being too academic or niche. Gartner earlier this year published its Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2018, and just a couple of months ago Tim Berners-Lee announced his world-dominating plan for decentralizing the web.
Custom JavaScript, CSS and HTML in Shiny
In this tutorial, I will cover how to include custom JavaScript, CSS and HTML code in your R shiny app. By including them, you can make a very powerful professional web app using R.
R Packages worth a look
Exploratory Data Analysis System (discoveR)Performs an exploratory data analysis through a shiny interface. It includes basic methods such as the mean, median, mode, normality test, among others …
If you did not already know
Most existing knowledge graphs (KGs) in academic domains suffer from problems of insufficient multi-relational information, name ambiguity and improper data format for large-scale machine pro- cessing. In this paper, we present AceKG, a new large-scale KG in academic domain. AceKG not only provides clean academic information, but also offers a large-scale benchmark dataset for researchers to conduct challenging data mining projects including link prediction, community detection and scholar classification. Specifically, AceKG describes 3.13 billion triples of academic facts based on a consistent ontology, including necessary properties of papers, authors, fields of study, venues and institutes, as well as the relations among them. To enrich the proposed knowledge graph, we also perform entity alignment with existing databases and rule-based inference. Based on AceKG, we conduct experiments of three typical academic data mining tasks and evaluate several state-of- the-art knowledge embedding and network representation learning approaches on the benchmark datasets built from AceKG. Finally, we discuss several promising research directions that benefit from AceKG. …
Certifiably Gone Phishing
Phishing is [still] the primary way attackers either commit a primary criminal act (i.e. phish a target to, say, install ransomware) or is the initial vehicle used to gain a foothold in an organization so they can perform other criminal operations to achieve some goal. As such, security teams, vendors and active members of the cybersecurity community work diligently to neutralize phishing campaigns as quickly as possible.
“When Both Men and Women Drop Out of the Labor Force, Why Do Economists Only Ask About Men?”
Dean Baker points to this column, where Gregory Mankiw writes: