Hi there,

Deep Learning has shown tremendous success, but what makes it so special? What are neural networks, and how do they work? What are the differences between popular Deep Learning frameworks like Keras or TensorFlow, and where should you start?

In this webinar, we will apply your convolutional neural network using the ImageNet scenario. We will also review some of the ImageNet architectures and how convolutions work.

After this session, we’ll arm you with the tools you need to run the samples yourself. Attendees will have access to presentations and associated Databricks notebooks.

Webinar: Applying your Convolutional Neural NetworkThursday, October 25, 201810:00 am PST

We look forward to seeing you there!Databricks Team

Applying your Convolutional Neural Network is part of a three-part Deep Learning Fundamentals Series by Databricks. The series introduces you the fundamentals surrounding deep learning with a focus on Keras and TensorFlow. Recorded versions of the previous webinars are available here.