Registration is now open for my 1.5-day workshop on how to develop end-2-end from a Keras/TensorFlow model to production.
It will take place on February 21st & 22nd in Berlin, Germany.
Please register by sending an email to [email protected] with the following information:
address for invoice
phone number
reference to this blog
The course material will be in English and we will speak a mix of German and English, depending on the participants’ preferences.
(The same course will also be given on 11th & 12th of April, 2019 in Münster, Germany.)
In this workshop, you will learn
the basics of deep learning
what cross-entropy and loss is
about activation functions
how to optimize weights and biases with backpropagation and gradient descent
how to build (deep) neural networks with Keras and TensorFlow
how to save and load models and model weights
how to visualize models with TensorBoard
how to make predictions on test data
how to deploy models with Spotify Luigi and TensorFlow Serving