Data Notes: Malaria Detection with FastAI

Hockey, climate change, and mosquitos: Enjoy these new, intriguing and overlooked datasets and kernels


  1. 🚑 Malaria Detection with FastAI V1 (Link)

  2. 👷 Attrition in an Organization   Why Workers Quit? (Link)
  3. 🇰 Kaggle Competitions Dashboard (Link)

  4. 🥒 Real-time Dashboard on SF Restaurant Scores (Link)

  5. 📈 Climate Change Dashboard (Link)

  6. � Checking in on Checks and Other NHL Play-By-Play Data (Link)

  7. 👠 Fashion-MNIST ◆ (CNN-Keras) (Link)

  8. 🌇 Dataset: Seattle Airbnb Listings (Link)

  9. 📸 Dataset: Malaria Cell Images (Link)

  10. �� Dataset: Helen Eye Images (Link)


Can’t decide on hyperparameters? Try using Hyperopt!

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