R Packages worth a look

Two-Sample Kuiper Test (kuiper.2samp)This function performs the two-sample Kuiper test to assess the anomaly of continuous, one-dimensional probability distributions. References used for t …

RCommander Plugin for Teaching Statistical Methods (RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat)RCommander plugin for teaching statistical methods. It adds a new menu for making easier the teaching of the main concepts about the main statistical m …

Generate a Random p x p Correlation Matrix (randcorr)Implements the algorithm by Pourahmadi and Wang (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2015.06.015> for generating a random p x p correlation matrix. Briefly, …

Interact with Online Differential Diagnosis-Generating Tools (webddx)Freely available online differential-diagnosis generating tools are changing clinical medicine and biomedical research. With webddx, useRs can generate …

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