Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK)
A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) is the written guide to the collection of business analysis knowledge reflecting current best practice, providing a framework that describes the areas of knowledge, with associated activities and tasks and techniques required. According to Capability Maturity Model Integration, organisations interested in process improvement need to adopt industry standards from the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (and other associated references) to lift their project delivery from the ad hoc to the managed level. …
Transformed Generalized Autoregressive Moving Average (TGARMA)
Transformed Generalized Autoregressive Moving Average (TGARMA) models were recently proposed to deal with non-additivity, non-normality and heteroscedasticity in real time series data. In this paper, a Bayesian approach is proposed for TGARMA models, thus extending the original model. We conducted a simulation study to investigate the performance of Bayesian estimation and Bayesian model selection criteria. In addition, a real dataset was analysed using the proposed approach. …
Graph Recurrent Neural Network (GRNN)
The era of data deluge has sparked the interest in graph-based learning methods in a number of disciplines such as sociology, biology, neuroscience, or engineering. In this paper, we introduce a graph recurrent neural network (GRNN) for scalable semi-supervised learning from multi-relational data. Key aspects of the novel GRNN architecture are the use of multi-relational graphs, the dynamic adaptation to the different relations via learnable weights, and the consideration of graph-based regularizers to promote smoothness and alleviate over-parametrization. Our ultimate goal is to design a powerful learning architecture able to: discover complex and highly non-linear data associations, combine (and select) multiple types of relations, and scale gracefully with respect to the size of the graph. Numerical tests with real data sets corroborate the design goals and illustrate the performance gains relative to competing alternatives. …
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