Non-convex Conditional Gradient Sliding (NCGS)
We investigate a projection free method, namely conditional gradient sliding on batched, stochastic and finite-sum non-convex problem. CGS is a smart combination of Nesterov’s accelerated gradient method and Frank-Wolfe (FW) method, and outperforms FW in the convex setting by saving gradient computations. However, the study of CGS in the non-convex setting is limited. In this paper, we propose the non-convex conditional gradient sliding (NCGS) which surpasses the non-convex Frank-Wolfe method in batched, stochastic and finite-sum setting. …
Innovation Management
Innovation management is the management of innovation processes. It refers both to product and organizational innovation. Innovation management includes a set of tools that allow managers and engineers to cooperate with a common understanding of processes and goals. Innovation management allows the organization to respond to external or internal opportunities, and use its creativity to introduce new ideas, processes or products. It is not relegated to R&D it involves workers at every level in contributing creatively to a company’s product development, manufacturing and marketing. …
Central Network (CentralNet)
This paper proposes a novel multimodal fusion approach, aiming to produce best possible decisions by integrating information coming from multiple media. While most of the past multimodal approaches either work by projecting the features of different modalities into the same space, or by coordinating the representations of each modality through the use of constraints, our approach borrows from both visions. More specifically, assuming each modality can be processed by a separated deep convolutional network, allowing to take decisions independently from each modality, we introduce a central network linking the modality specific networks. This central network not only provides a common feature embedding but also regularizes the modality specific networks through the use of multi-task learning. The proposed approach is validated on 4 different computer vision tasks on which it consistently improves the accuracy of existing multimodal fusion approaches. …
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