On receiving the Community Leadership Award at the NumFOCUS Summit 2018

At the end of September I was honoured to receive the Community Leadership Award from NumFOCUS for my work building out the PyData community here in London and at associated events. This was awarded at the NumFOCUS 2018 Summit, I couldn’t attend the New York event and James Powell gave my speech on my behalf (thanks James!).

I’m humbled to be singled out for the award – things only worked out so well because of the work of all of my colleagues (and alumni) at PyDataLondon and all the other wonderful folk at events like PyDataBerlin, PyDataAmsterdam, EuroPython (which has had a set of PyData sub-tracks) and PyConUK (with similar sub-tracks).

NumFOCUS posted a blog entry on the awards, in addition Kelle Cruz received the Project Sustainability Award and Shahrokh Mortazavi received the Corporate Stewardship Award.

Cecilia Liao and Emlyn Clay and myself started the first PyDataLondon conference in 2014 with lots of help, guidance and nudging from NumFOCUS (notably Leah – thanks!), James and via Continuum (now Anaconda Inc) Travis and Peter. Many thanks to you all for your help – we’re now at 8,000+ members and our monthly events have 200+ attendees thanks to AHL’s hosting.

If you don’t know NumFOCUS – they’re the group who do a lot of the background support for a number of our PyData ecosystem packages (including numpy, Jupyter and Pandas and beyond to R and Julia), back the PyData conference series and help lots of associated events and group. They’re a non profit and an awful lot of work goes on that you never see – if you’d like to provide financial support, you can setup a monthly sponsorship here. If you currently don’t provide any contributions back into our open source ecosystem – setting up a regular monthly payment is the easiest possible thing you could do to help NumFOCUS raise more money which helps more development occur in our ecosystem.