Kinetic Compressive Sensing (KCS)
Parametric images provide insight into the spatial distribution of physiological parameters, but they are often extremely noisy, due to low SNR of tomographic data. Direct estimation from projections allows accurate noise modeling, improving the results of post-reconstruction fitting. We propose a method, which we name kinetic compressive sensing (KCS), based on a hierarchical Bayesian model and on a novel reconstruction algorithm, that encodes sparsity of kinetic parameters. Parametric maps are reconstructed by maximizing the joint probability, with an Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) approach, alternating the optimization of activity time series (OS-MAP-OSL), and kinetic parameters (MAP-LM). We evaluated the proposed algorithm on a simulated dynamic phantom: a bias/variance study confirmed how direct estimates can improve the quality of parametric maps over a post-reconstruction fitting, and showed how the novel sparsity prior can further reduce their variance, without affecting bias. Real FDG PET human brain data (Siemens mMR, 40min) images were also processed. Results enforced how the proposed KCS-regularized direct method can produce spatially coherent images and parametric maps, with lower spatial noise and better tissue contrast. A GPU-based open source implementation of the algorithm is provided. …
Local Shrunk Discriminant Analysis (LSDA)
Dimensionality reduction is a crucial step for pattern recognition and data mining tasks to overcome the curse of dimensionality. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a traditional technique for unsupervised dimensionality reduction, which is often employed to seek a projection to best represent the data in a least-squares sense, but if the original data is nonlinear structure, the performance of PCA will quickly drop. An supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm called Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) seeks for an embedding transformation, which can work well with Gaussian distribution data or single-modal data, but for non-Gaussian distribution data or multimodal data, it gives undesired results. What is worse, the dimension of LDA cannot be more than the number of classes. In order to solve these issues, Local shrunk discriminant analysis (LSDA) is proposed in this work to process the non-Gaussian distribution data or multimodal data, which not only incorporate both the linear and nonlinear structures of original data, but also learn the pattern shrinking to make the data more flexible to fit the manifold structure. Further, LSDA has more strong generalization performance, whose objective function will become local LDA and traditional LDA when different extreme parameters are utilized respectively. What is more, a new efficient optimization algorithm is introduced to solve the non-convex objective function with low computational cost. Compared with other related approaches, such as PCA, LDA and local LDA, the proposed method can derive a subspace which is more suitable for non-Gaussian distribution and real data. Promising experimental results on different kinds of data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. …
Principal Orthogonal ComplEment Thresholding (POET)
Estimate large covariance matrices in approximate factor models by thresholding principal orthogonal complements. …
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