Submit! If you haven’t made a Kaggle competition submission, this is a great moment to jump in. Here’s a rundown of current competitions, trending Kernels, and tips from winners.​
� Leaderboard Changes �
​Things are really heating up in the last 2 weeks of the Airbus Ship Detection Challenge. 20 unique leaderboard scores, 8 different Kagglers, and 10 leader changes in only 16 days? Can you find an even better solution and topple the Top 10? Join the excitement in the final few days!
​​**Each color represents a different team at the top of the leaderboard​
� Trending EDA and Baseline Kernels �​
​Nobody likes starting a competition with just a blinking cursor… that’s what the community is here for! Fork a starter Kernel from the Kaggle Team to submit right away:
� **Two Sigma Challenge: Official Getting Started Kernel**Using the twosigmanews module to make predictions
� The PLAsTiCC Astronomy Starter Kit KernelAll you need to know about astrophysics to get started
Or discover interesting explorations by top Kagglers:
📈 **Two Sigma: Use news to predict stock prices**​By Kernels Expert Andrew Lukyanenko
� **RStudio: Predict GStore customer spending**By Kernels Master kxx
🔬 Protein Atlas: Classify protein patterns in human cellsBy Kernels Expert Allunia​
🌟 Winner Solutions and Advice 🌟​
​The TGS Salt Identification Competition just wrapped up! How did the winners do it? They talk about their solutions in the discussion below. Remember, you can continue to make submissions to closed competitions and still receive a score on your prediction. Even though you won’t be on the leaderboard, this is a great way to practice winning techniques. Will these winning tips and techniques help improve your model?
ğŸ�… **1st Place*by b.e.s.“We created five common folds stratified by depth…”*
ğŸ�… 4th Placeby SeuTao“Deep supervision structure with Lovasz softmax (a great idea from Heng)…”
ğŸ�… 8th Place by Igor Krashenyi“Best performing backbones: SeNet154, SeResNext101…”
ğŸ�… 9th Place by tugstugi“We started with a se_resnext50 model…”​
💬 Interesting Discussions 💬​
The PLAsTiCC Astronomical Classification Challenge involves categorizing astronomical sources that vary with time. Participants are struggling with predicting class 99 from the training set due to the unique nature of the problem. Follow along to see how leading ML researchers talk through this problem… or add your own insights.
​Join the Discussion​​
📢 New Competition Launches 📢​
​Why not “dropâ€� into a new challenge and win some Kaggle Swag? Here’s the latest playground competition from the Kaggle Team, where you can work to predict the finish placement of players in PUBG.