Distributed Coordinated Multi-Agent Bidding (DCMAB)
Real-time advertising allows advertisers to bid for each impression for a visiting user. To optimize a specific goal such as maximizing the revenue led by ad placements, advertisers not only need to estimate the relevance between the ads and user’s interests, but most importantly require a strategic response with respect to other advertisers bidding in the market. In this paper, we formulate bidding optimization with multi-agent reinforcement learning. To deal with a large number of advertisers, we propose a clustering method and assign each cluster with a strategic bidding agent. A practical Distributed Coordinated Multi-Agent Bidding (DCMAB) has been proposed and implemented to balance the tradeoff between the competition and cooperation among advertisers. The empirical study on our industry-scaled real-world data has demonstrated the effectiveness of our modeling methods. Our results show that a cluster based bidding would largely outperform single-agent and bandit approaches, and the coordinated bidding achieves better overall objectives than the purely self-interested bidding agents. …
Apache Gearpump
Apache Gearpump is a real-time big data streaming engine. The name Gearpump is a reference to the engineering term ‘gear pump’ which is a super simple pump that consists of only two gears, but is very powerful at streaming water. Different to other streaming engines, Gearpump’s engine is event/message based. Per initial benchmarks we are able to process 18 million messages per second (message length is 100 bytes) with a 8ms latency on a 4-node cluster. …
ALAMO is a computational methodology for leaning algebraic functions from data. Given a data set, the approach begins by building a low-complexity, linear model composed of explicit non-linear transformations of the independent variables. Linear combinations of these non-linear transformations allow a linear model to better approximate complex behavior observed in real processes. The model is refined, as additional data are obtained in an adaptive fashion through error maximization sampling using derivative-free optimization. Models built using ALAMO can enforce constraints on the response variables to incorporate first-principles knowledge. The ability of ALAMO to generate simple and accurate models for a number of reaction problems is demonstrated. The error maximization sampling is compared with Latin hypercube designs to demonstrate its sampling efficiency. ALAMO’s constrained regression methodology is used to further refine concentration models, resulting in models that perform better on validation data and satisfy upper and lower bounds placed on model outputs. …
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