Calibrated Boosting-Forest
Excellent ranking power along with well calibrated probability estimates are needed in many classification tasks. In this paper, we introduce a technique, Calibrated Boosting-Forest that captures both. This novel technique is an ensemble of gradient boosting machines that can support both continuous and binary labels. While offering superior ranking power over any individual regression or classification model, Calibrated Boosting-Forest is able to preserve well calibrated posterior probabilities. Along with these benefits, we provide an alternative to the tedious step of tuning gradient boosting machines. We demonstrate that tuning Calibrated Boosting-Forests can be reduced to a simple hyper-parameter selection. We further establish that increasing this hyper-parameter improves the ranking performance under a diminishing return. We examine the effectiveness of Calibrated Boosting-Forest on ligand-based virtual screening where both continuous and binary labels are available and compare the performance of Calibrated Boosting-Forest with logistic regression, gradient boosting machine and deep learning. Calibrated Boosting-Forest achieved an approximately 4% improvement compared to a state-of-art deep learning model and has the potential to achieve an 8% improvement after tuning the single hyper-parameter. Moreover, it achieved around 98% improvement on probability quality measurement compared to the best individual gradient boosting machine. Calibrated Boosting-Forest offers a benchmark demonstration that in the field of ligand-based virtual screening, deep learning is not the universally dominant machine learning model and good calibrated probabilities can better facilitate virtual screening process. …
Semantic Vector Network (SeVeN)
We present SeVeN (Semantic Vector Networks), a hybrid resource that encodes relationships between words in the form of a graph. Different from traditional semantic networks, these relations are represented as vectors in a continuous vector space. We propose a simple pipeline for learning such relation vectors, which is based on word vector averaging in combination with an ad hoc autoencoder. We show that by explicitly encoding relational information in a dedicated vector space we can capture aspects of word meaning that are complementary to what is captured by word embeddings. For example, by examining clusters of relation vectors, we observe that relational similarities can be identified at a more abstract level than with traditional word vector differences. Finally, we test the effectiveness of semantic vector networks in two tasks: measuring word similarity and neural text categorization. SeVeN is available at …
Mixture of Experts (MoE)
Mixture of experts refers to a machine learning technique where multiple experts (learners) are used to divide the problem space into homogeneous regions. An example from the computer vision domain is combining a neural network model for human detection with another for pose estimation. If the output is conditioned on multiple levels of probabilistic gating functions, the mixture is called a hierarchical mixture of experts. A gating network decides which expert to use for each input region. Learning thus consists of 1) learning the parameters of individual learners and 2) learning the parameters of the gating network.
Globally Consistent Algorithms for Mixture of Experts …
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