Stan on the web! (thanks to RStudio)

So you can get started on Stan without any investment in set-up time, no need to install C++ on your computer, etc.

As Ben Goodrich writes, “RStudio Cloud is particularly useful for Stan tutorials where a lot of time can otherwise be wasted getting C++ toolchains installed and configured on everyone’s laptops.”

To get started with a simple example, just click here and log in.

We’ve pre-loaded this particular RStudio session with a regression model and an R script to simulate fake data and run the model. In your online RStudio Cloud session (which will appear within your browser when you click the above link), just go the lower-right window with Files, and click on simple_regression.stan and simple_regression.R. This will open up those files. Run simple_regression.R and it will simulate the data, run the Stan program, and produce a graph.

Now you can play around.

Create your own Stan program: just work in the upper-left window, click on File, New File, Stan File, then click on File, Save As, and give it a .stan extension. The RStudio editor already has highlighting and autocomplete for Stan files.

Or edit the existing Stan program (simple_regression.stan, sitting there in the lower right of your RStudio Cloud window), change it how you’d like, then edit the R script or create a new one. You can upload data to your session too.

When you run a new or newly edited Stan program, it will take some time to compile. But then next time you run it, R will access the compiled version and it will run faster.

You can also save your session and get back to it later.

Some jargon for ya—but I mean every word of it!

This is a real game-changer as it significantly lowers the barriers to entry for people to start using Stan.


Ultimately I recommend you set up Stan on your own computer so you have full control over your modeling, but RStudio’s Cloud is a wonderful way to get started.

Here’s what Rstudio says:

Each project is allocated 1GB of RAM. Each account is allocated one private space, with up to 3 members and 5 projects. You can submit a request to the RStudio Cloud team for more capacity if you hit one of these space limits, and we will do our best accomodate you. If you are using a Professional 2 account, you will not encounter these space limits. In addition to the private space (where you can collaborate with a selected group of other users), every user also gets a personal workspace (titled “Your Workspace”), where there is virtually no limit to the number of projects you can create. Only you can work on projects in your personal workspace, but you can grant view & copy access to them to any other RStudio Cloud user.

This is just amazing. I’m not the most computer-savvy user, but I was able to get this working right away.

Ben adds:

It also comes with* The other 500-ish examples in the examples/ subdirectory* Most of the R packages that use Stan, including McElreath’s rethinking package from GitHub and all the ones under stan-dev, namely– rstanarm (comes with compiled Stan programs for regression)– brms (generates Stan programs for regression)– projpred (for selecting a submodel of a GLM)– bayesplot and shinystan (for visualizing posterior output)– loo (for model comparison using expected log predictive density)– rstantools (for creating your own R packages like rstanarm)* Saving new / modified compiled Stan programs to the disk to use across sessions first requires the user to do rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)

I’m so excited. You can now play with Stan yourself with no start-up effort. Or, if you’re already a Stan user, you can demonstrate it to your friends. Also, you can put your own favorite models in an RStudio Cloud environment (as Ben did for my simple regression model) and then share the link with other people, who can use your model on your data, upload their own data, alter your model, etc.