Macroblock Scaling (MBS)
We estimate the proper channel (width) scaling of Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) for model reduction. Unlike the traditional scaling method that reduces every CNN channel width by the same scaling factor, we address each CNN macroblock adaptively depending on its information redundancy measured by our proposed effective flops. Our proposed macroblock scaling (MBS) algorithm can be applied to various CNN architectures to reduce their model size. These applicable models range from compact CNN models such as MobileNet (25.53% reduction, ImageNet) and ShuffleNet (20.74% reduction, ImageNet) to ultra-deep ones such as ResNet-101 (51.67% reduction, ImageNet) and ResNet-1202 (72.71% reduction, CIFAR-10) with negligible accuracy degradation. MBS also performs better reduction at a much lower cost than does the state-of-the-art optimization-based method. MBS’s simplicity and efficiency, its flexibility to work with any CNN model, and its scalability to work with models of any depth makes it an attractive choice for CNN model size reduction. …
Stochastic Configuration Networks (SCN)
This paper contributes to a development of randomized methods for neural networks. The proposed learner model is generated incrementally by stochastic configuration (SC) algorithms, termed as Stochastic Configuration Networks (SCNs). In contrast to the existing randomised learning algorithms for single layer feed-forward neural networks (SLFNNs), we randomly assign the input weights and biases of the hidden nodes in the light of a supervisory mechanism, and the output weights are analytically evaluated in either constructive or selective manner. As fundamentals of SCN-based data modelling techniques, we establish some theoretical results on the universal approximation property. Three versions of SC algorithms are presented for regression problems (applicable for classification problems as well) in this work. Simulation results concerning both function approximation and real world data regression indicate some remarkable merits of our proposed SCNs in terms of less human intervention on the network size setting, the scope adaptation of random parameters, fast learning and sound generalization. …
A polygonal mesh representation provides an efficient approximation for 3D shapes. It explicitly captures both shape surface and topology, and leverages non-uniformity to represent large flat regions as well as sharp, intricate features. This non-uniformity and irregularity, however, inhibits mesh analysis efforts using neural networks that combine convolution and pooling operations. In this paper, we utilize the unique properties of the mesh for a direct analysis of 3D shapes using MeshCNN, a convolutional neural network designed specifically for triangular meshes. Analogous to classic CNNs, MeshCNN combines specialized convolution and pooling layers that operate on the mesh edges, by leveraging their intrinsic geodesic connections. Convolutions are applied on edges and the four edges of their incident triangles, and pooling is applied via an edge collapse operation that retains surface topology, thereby, generating new mesh connectivity for the subsequent convolutions. MeshCNN learns which edges to collapse, thus forming a task-driven process where the network exposes and expands the important features while discarding the redundant ones. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our task-driven pooling on various learning tasks applied to 3D meshes. …
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