Mahalanobis Distance
The Mahalanobis distance is a descriptive statistic that provides a relative measure of a data point’s distance (residual) from a common point. It is a unitless measure introduced by P. C. Mahalanobis in 1936. The Mahalanobis distance is used to identify and gauge similarity of an unknown sample set to a known one. It differs from Euclidean distance in that it takes into account the correlations of the data set and is scale-invariant. In other words, it has a multivariate effect size. …
The recent researches in Deep Convolutional Neural Network have focused their attention on improving accuracy that provide significant advances. However, if they were limited to classification tasks, nowadays with contributions from Scientific Communities who are embarking in this field, they have become very useful in higher level tasks such as object detection and pixel-wise semantic segmentation. Thus, brilliant ideas in the field of semantic segmentation with deep learning have completed the state of the art of accuracy, however this architectures become very difficult to apply in embedded systems as is the case for autonomous driving. We present a new Deep fully Convolutional Neural Network for pixel-wise semantic segmentation which we call Squeeze-SegNet. The architecture is based on Encoder-Decoder style. We use a SqueezeNet-like encoder and a decoder formed by our proposed squeeze-decoder module and upsample layer using downsample indices like in SegNet and we add a deconvolution layer to provide final multi-channel feature map. On datasets like Camvid or City-states, our net gets SegNet-level accuracy with less than 10 times fewer parameters than SegNet. …
Training machine learning (ML) models with large datasets can incur significant resource contention on shared clusters. This training typically involves many iterations that continually improve the quality of the model. Yet in exploratory settings, better models can be obtained faster by directing resources to jobs with the most potential for improvement. We describe SLAQ, a cluster scheduling system for approximate ML training jobs that aims to maximize the overall job quality. When allocating cluster resources, SLAQ explores the quality-runtime trade-offs across multiple jobs to maximize system-wide quality improvement. To do so, SLAQ leverages the iterative nature of ML training algorithms, by collecting quality and resource usage information from concurrent jobs, and then generating highly-tailored quality-improvement predictions for future iterations. Experiments show that SLAQ achieves an average quality improvement of up to 73% and an average delay reduction of up to 44% on a large set of ML training jobs, compared to resource fairness schedulers. …
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