R Packages worth a look

Longitudinal Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (ltmle)Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) of treatment/censoring specific mean outcome or marginal structural model for point-treatment and longitu …

Calculating Concentration Risk under Solvency II (spatialrisk)Methods for determining spatial risk, in particular concentration risk in the context of the EU insurance regulation framework (Solvency II).

Teaching Data for Statistics and Data Science (testDriveR)Provides data sets for teaching statistics and data science courses. It includes a sample of data from John Edmund Kerrich’s famous coinflip experiment …

Interface to ‘Sigma.js’ Graph Visualization Library (sigmajs)Interface to ‘sigma.js’ graph visualization library including animations, plugins and shiny proxies.

Replicability Adjusted p-Values for Two Independent Studies with Multiple Endpoints (radjust)Calculates adjusted p-values for the null hypothesis of no replicability across studies for two study designs: (i) a primary and follow-up study, where …

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