Kleinberg’s Impossibility Theorem
Although the study of clustering is centered around an intuitively compelling goal, it has been very difficult to develop a unified framework for reasoning about it at a technical level, and pro- foundly diverse approaches to clustering abound in the research community. Here we suggest a formal perspective on the difficulty in finding such a unification, in the form of an impossibility theorem: for a set of three simple properties, we show that there is no clustering function satisfying all three. Relaxations of these properties expose some of the interesting (and unavoidable) trade-offs at work in well-studied clustering techniques such as single-linkage, sum-of-pairs, k-means, and k-median. …
Machine Listening Intelligence
This manifesto paper will introduce machine listening intelligence, an integrated research framework for acoustic and musical signals modelling, based on signal processing, deep learning and computational musicology. …
Active Long Term Memory Network (A-LTM)
Continual Learning in artificial neural networks suffers from interference and forgetting when different tasks are learned sequentially. This paper introduces the Active Long Term Memory Networks (A-LTM), a model of sequential multi-task deep learning that is able to maintain previously learned association between sensory input and behavioral output while acquiring knew knowledge. A-LTM exploits the non-convex nature of deep neural networks and actively maintains knowledge of previously learned, inactive tasks using a distillation loss. Distortions of the learned input-output map are penalized but hidden layers are free to transverse towards new local optima that are more favorable for the multi-task objective. We re-frame the McClelland’s seminal Hippocampal theory with respect to Catastrophic Inference (CI) behavior exhibited by modern deep architectures trained with back-propagation and inhomogeneous sampling of latent factors across epochs. We present empirical results of non-trivial CI during continual learning in Deep Linear Networks trained on the same task, in Convolutional Neural Networks when the task shifts from predicting semantic to graphical factors and during domain adaptation from simple to complex environments. We present results of the A-LTM model’s ability to maintain viewpoint recognition learned in the highly controlled iLab-20M dataset with 10 object categories and 88 camera viewpoints, while adapting to the unstructured domain of Imagenet with 1,000 object categories. …
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