Deep Local Binary Patterns (Deep LBP)
Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is a traditional descriptor for texture analysis that gained attention in the last decade. Being robust to several properties such as invariance to illumination translation and scaling, LBPs achieved state-of-the-art results in several applications. However, LBPs are not able to capture high-level features from the image, merely encoding features with low abstraction levels. In this work, we propose Deep LBP, which borrow ideas from the deep learning community to improve LBP expressiveness. By using parametrized data-driven LBP, we enable successive applications of the LBP operators with increasing abstraction levels. We validate the relevance of the proposed idea in several datasets from a wide range of applications. Deep LBP improved the performance of traditional and multiscale LBP in all cases. …
Archetypal Analysis
Archetypal analysis (Cutler and Breiman, 1994) has the aim to find a few, not necessarily observed, extremal observations (the archetypes) in a multivariate data set such that:1. all the observations are approximated by convex combinations of the archetypes, and2. all the archetypes are convex combinations of the observations. …
Extended Autoregressive Model (EAR)
Generative models (GMs) such as Generative Adversary Network (GAN) and Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) have thrived these years and achieved high quality results in generating new samples. Especially in Computer Vision, GMs have been used in image inpainting, denoising and completion, which can be treated as the inference from observed pixels to corrupted pixels. However, images are hierarchically structured which are quite different from many real-world inference scenarios with non-hierarchical features. These inference scenarios contain heterogeneous stochastic variables and irregular mutual dependences. Traditionally they are modeled by Bayesian Network (BN). However, the learning and inference of BN model are NP-hard thus the number of stochastic variables in BN is highly constrained. In this paper, we adapt typical GMs to enable heterogeneous learning and inference in polynomial time.We also propose an extended autoregressive (EAR) model and an EAR with adversary loss (EARA) model and give theoretical results on their effectiveness. Experiments on several BN datasets show that our proposed EAR model achieves the best performance in most cases compared to other GMs. Except for black box analysis, we’ve also done a serial of experiments on Markov border inference of GMs for white box analysis and give theoretical results. …
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