R Packages worth a look

Choosing the Sample Strategy (optimStrat)A package intended to assist in the choice of the sample strategy to implement in a survey. It compares five strategies having into account the informa …

Predicting Disease Spread from Flow Data (epiflows)Provides functions and classes designed to handle and visualise epidemiological flows between locations. Also contains a statistical method for predict …

Convex Hull (cxhull)Computes the convex hull in arbitrary dimension, based on the Qhull library (<http://www.qhull.org …

Spatially Discrete Approximation to Log-Gaussian Cox Processes for Aggregated Disease Count Data (SDALGCP)Provides a computationally efficient discrete approximation to log-Gaussian Cox process model for spatially aggregated disease count data. It uses Mont …

Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model Stability Parameters (ammistability)Computes various stability parameters from Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis results such as Modified AMMI Stability …

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