Data Notes: Your smartphone knows *what*?

Mushrooms, rats, and smartphones: Enjoy these new, intriguing, and overlooked datasets and kernels.


  1. � What Does Your Smartphone Know About You? (link)

  2. âš½ Another World Cup 2018 Predictions Kernel (link)

  3. � Mushroom Classification with K-Means Clustering (link)

  4. 📚 Predicting English Pronunciations (link)

  5. � Medium Article Clap Predictor (link)

  6. � World University Rankings Advanced Analysis (link)

  7. 🌇 Maps EDA and Models with NYC Census Data (link)

  8. 📶 Kaggle Dataset #1: NYC Wi-Fi Hotspot Locations (link)

  9. � Kaggle Dataset #2: NYC Rat Sightings (link)

  10. 👮 Kaggle Dataset #3: NY Daily Inmates In Custody (link)


Which parts of your image were most important for your image classifier? Try using heat maps and attention maps!

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