Ensemble learning methods are widely used nowadays for its predictive performance improvement. Ensemble learning combines multiple predictions (forecasts) from one or multiple methods to overcome accuracy of simple prediction and to avoid possible overfit. In the domain of time series forecasting, we have somehow obstructed situation because of dynamic changes in coming data. However, when a single regression model is used for forecasting, time dependency is not the obstacle, we can tune it at current time of a sliding window. For this reason, in this post, I will describe you two simple ensemble learning methods - Bagging and Random Forest. Bagging will be used with combination of two simple regression trees methods used in the previous post (RPART and CTREE). I will not repeat most of the things mentioned there so check it first if you didn’t make it already: Using regression trees for forecasting double-seasonal time series with trend.
You will learn in this post how to:
tune simple regression trees methods by Bagging
set important hyperparameters of decision tree methods and randomized them in Bagging
use Random Forest method for forecasting time series
set hyperparameters of Random Forest and find it optimally by grid search method
Time series data of electricity consumption
As in previous posts, I will use smart meter data of electricity consumption for demonstrating forecasting of seasonal time series. The dataset of aggregated electricity load of consumers from an anonymous area is used. Time series data have the length of 17 weeks.
Firstly, let’s scan all of the needed packages for data analysis, modeling and visualizing.
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Now read the mentioned time series data by read_feather
to one data.table
. The dataset can be found on my github repo, the name of the file is DT_load_17weeks.
DT <- as.data.table(read_feather(“DT_load_17weeks”))
1 |
n_date <- unique(DT[, date]) period <- 48
1 |
theme_ts <- theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = “grey10”), panel.background = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = “grey85”), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = “grey85”), panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = “grey85”), axis.text = element_text(size = 13, face = “bold”), axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = “bold”), plot.title = element_text(size = 16, face = “bold”), strip.text = element_text(size = 16, face = “bold”), strip.background = element_rect(colour = “black”), legend.text = element_text(size = 15), legend.title = element_text(size = 16, face = “bold”), legend.background = element_rect(fill = “white”), legend.key = element_rect(fill = “white”))
1 |
data_train <- DT[date %in% n_date[1:21]] data_test <- DT[date %in% n_date[22]]
1 |
ggplot(data_train, aes(date_time, value)) + geom_line() + labs(x = “Date”, y = “Load (kW)”) + theme_ts
1 |
data_ts <- ts(data_train$value, freq = period * 7) decomp_ts <- stl(data_ts, s.window = “periodic”, robust = TRUE)$time.series trend_part <- ts(decomp_ts[,2])
trend_fit <- auto.arima(trend_part) # ARIMA trend_for <- as.vector(forecast(trend_fit, period)$mean) # trend forecast data_msts <- msts(data_train$value, seasonal.periods = c(period, period*7))
K <- 2 fuur <- fourier(data_msts, K = c(K, K)) # Fourier features to model (Daily and Weekly)
N <- nrow(data_train) window <- (N / period) - 1
new_load <- rowSums(decomp_ts[, c(1,3)]) # detrended original time series lag_seas <- decomp_ts[1:(period*window), 1] # lag feature to model
matrix_train <- data.table(Load = tail(new_load, window*period), fuur[(period + 1):N,], Lag = lag_seas)
create testing data matrix
test_lag <- decomp_ts[((period*window)+1):N, 1] fuur_test <- fourier(data_msts, K = c(K, K), h = period)
matrix_test <- data.table(fuur_test, Lag = test_lag)
1 |
N_boot <- 100 # number of bootstraps
pred_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = N_boot, ncol = period) for(i in 1:N_boot) {
matrixSam <- matrix_train[sample(1:(N-period), floor((N-period) * sample(seq(0.7, 0.9, by = 0.01), 1)), replace = TRUE)] # sampling with sampled ratio from 0.7 to 0.9 tree_bag <- rpart(Load ~ ., data = matrixSam, control = rpart.control(minsplit = sample(2:3, 1), maxdepth = sample(26:30, 1), cp = sample(seq(0.0000009, 0.00001, by = 0.0000001), 1)))
# new data and prediction pred_mat[i,] <- predict(tree_bag, matrix_test) + mean(trend_for) }
1 |
pred_melt_rpart <- data.table(melt(pred_mat))
pred_ave_rpart <- pred_melt_rpart[, .(value = median(value)), by = .(Var2)] pred_ave_rpart[, Var1 := “RPART_Bagg”]
ggplot(pred_melt_rpart, aes(Var2, value, group = Var1)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.75) + geom_line(data = pred_ave_rpart, aes(Var2, value), color = “firebrick2”, alpha = 0.9, size = 2) + labs(x = “Time”, y = “Load (kW)”, title = “Bagging with RPART”) + theme_ts
1 |
simple_rpart <- RpartTrend(DT, n_date[1:21], K = 2) pred_rpart <- data.table(value = simple_rpart, Var2 = 1:48, Var1 = “RPART”)
ggplot(pred_melt_rpart, aes(Var2, value, group = Var1)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.75) + geom_line(data = pred_ave_rpart, aes(Var2, value), color = “firebrick2”, alpha = 0.8, size = 1.8) + geom_line(data = pred_rpart, aes(Var2, value), color = “dodgerblue2”, alpha = 0.8, size = 1.8) + labs(x = “Time”, y = “Load (kW)”, title = “Bagging with RPART and comparison with simple RPART”) + theme_ts
1 |
pred_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = N_boot, ncol = period) for(i in 1:N_boot) {
matrixSam <- matrix_train[sample(1:(N-period), floor((N-period) * sample(seq(0.7, 0.9, by = 0.01), 1)), replace = TRUE)] # sampling with sampled ratio from 0.7 to 0.9 tree_bag <- party::ctree(Load ~ ., data = matrixSam, controls = party::ctree_control(teststat = c(“quad”), testtype = c(“Teststatistic”), mincriterion = sample(seq(0.88, 0.97, by = 0.005), 1), minsplit = 1, minbucket = 1, mtry = 0, maxdepth = 0))
# new data and prediction pred_mat[i,] <- predict(tree_bag, matrix_test) + mean(trend_for) }
1 |
pred_melt_ctree <- data.table(melt(pred_mat))
pred_ave_ctree <- pred_melt_ctree[, .(value = median(value)), by = .(Var2)] pred_ave_ctree[, Var1 := “CTREE_Bagg”]
ggplot(pred_melt_ctree, aes(Var2, value, group = Var1)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.75) + geom_line(data = pred_ave_ctree, aes(Var2, value), color = “firebrick2”, alpha = 0.9, size = 2) + labs(x = “Time”, y = “Load (kW)”, title = “Bagging with CTREE”) + theme_ts
1 |
simple_ctree <- CtreeTrend(DT, n_date[1:21], K = 2) pred_ctree <- data.table(value = simple_ctree, Var2 = 1:48, Var1 = “CTREE”)
ggplot(pred_melt_ctree, aes(Var2, value, group = Var1)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.75) + geom_line(data = pred_ave_ctree, aes(Var2, value), color = “firebrick2”, alpha = 0.8, size = 1.8) + geom_line(data = pred_ctree, aes(Var2, value), color = “dodgerblue2”, alpha = 0.8, size = 1.8) + labs(x = “Time”, y = “Load (kW)”, title = “Bagging with CTREE and comparison with simple CTREE”) + theme_ts
1 |
rf_model <- randomForest(Load ~ ., data = data.frame(matrix_train), ntree = 1000, mtry = 3, nodesize = 5, importance = TRUE)
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We can see that Lag and S1.336 (weekly seasonal feature in sinus form) features have best scores in both measures. It implies that weekly seasonality and and lagged values of load are most important for our training data.
Let’s compute also forecast.
pred_rf <- predict(rf_model, data.frame(matrix_test)) + mean(trend_for)
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pred_rf <- data.table(value = pred_rf, Var2 = 1:48, Var1 = “RF”)
pred_true <- data.table(value = data_test$value, Var2 = 1:48, Var1 = “Real”) preds_all <- rbindlist(list(pred_ave_rpart, pred_ave_ctree, pred_rf, pred_true), use.names = T)
ggplot(preds_all, aes(Var2, value, color = as.factor(Var1))) + geom_line(alpha = 0.7, size = 1.2) + labs(x = “Time”, y = “Load (kW)”, title = “Comparison of Ensemble Learning forecasts”) + guides(color=guide_legend(title=”Method”)) + theme_ts
1 |
RFgrid <- function(data_train, param1, param2, K, period = 48) {
N <- length(data_train) window <- (N / period) - 1 data_ts <- msts(data_train, seasonal.periods = c(period, period*7))
fuur <- fourier(data_ts, K = c(K, K)) fuur_test <- as.data.frame(fourier(data_ts, K = c(K, K), h = period))
data_ts <- ts(data_train, freq = period*7) decomp_ts <- stl(data_ts, s.window = “periodic”, robust = TRUE) new_load <- rowSums(decomp_ts$time.series[, c(1,3)]) trend_part <- ts(decomp_ts$time.series[,2])
trend_fit <- auto.arima(trend_part) trend_for <- as.vector(forecast(trend_fit, period)$mean) lag_seas <- decomp_ts$time.series[1:(period*window), 1]
matrix_train <- data.frame(Load = tail(new_load, window*period), fuur[(period+1):N,], Lag = lag_seas)
tree_2 <- randomForest(Load ~ ., data = matrix_train, ntree = 1000, mtry = param1, nodesize = param2, importance = TRUE) test_lag <- decomp_ts$time.series[((period*(window))+1):N, 1]
matrix_test <- data.frame(fuur_test, Lag = test_lag) pred_tree <- predict(tree_2, matrix_test) + mean(trend_for)
return(as.vector(pred_tree)) }
mape <- function(real, pred){ return(100 * mean(abs((real - pred)/real))) # MAPE - Mean Absolute Percentage Error } gridSearch <- function(Y, train.win = 21, FUN, param1, param2, period = 48) {
days <- length(Y)/period test.days <- days - train.win mape.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(param1), ncol = length(param2)) row.names(mape.matrix) <- param1 colnames(mape.matrix) <- param2 forecast.rf <- vector(length = test.days*period)
for(i in seq_along(param1)){ for(j in seq_along(param2)){ for(k in 0:(test.days-1)){ train.set <- Y[((kperiod)+1):((periodk)+(train.winperiod))] forecast.rf[((kperiod)+1):((k+1)period)] <- FUN(train.set, param1 = param1[i], param2 = param2[j], K = 2) mape.matrix[i,j] <- mape(Y[-(1:(train.winperiod))], forecast.rf) } } return(mape.matrix) }
1 |
all_data <- DT$value[1:(period*41)] res_1 <- gridSearch(all_data, FUN = RFgrid, param1 = c(2,3,4,5,6), param2 = c(2,3,4,5,6))
1 |
2 3 4 5 6
2 2.937151 2.931990 2.952967 2.970451 2.972355
3 2.888450 2.896477 2.897801 2.912977 2.914294
4 2.874241 2.878923 2.880959 2.882959 2.896501
5 2.876503 2.872179 2.873983 2.875953 2.882657
6 2.868838 2.872933 2.874093 2.867840 2.881881
1 |
c(mtry = row.names(res_1)[which(res_1 == min(res_1), arr.ind = TRUE)[1]], nodesize = colnames(res_1)[which(res_1 == min(res_1), arr.ind = TRUE)[2]])
1 |
So best (optimal) setting is mtry
= 6 and nodesize
= 5.
For better imagination and analysis of results, let’s visualize the computed grid of MAPE values.
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We can see that lowest average MAPEs are for mtry
= 6 and nodesize
= 2 or 5.
For more exact evaluation, I made comparison of five methods - simple RPART, simple CTREE, Bagging + RPART, Bagging + CTREE and Random Forest on whole available dataset (so 98 forecasts were performed).
I created plotly
boxplots graph of MAPE values from these 5 methods. Whole evaluation can be seen in the script that is stored in my GitHub repository.
We can see that Bagging really helps decrease forecasting error for RPART and CTREE. The Random Forest has best results among all tested methods, so I proposed suitable approach for seasonal time series forecasting.
In this post, I showed you how to use basic ensemble learning methods to improve forecasting accuracy. I used classical Bagging in combination with regression tree methods - RPART and CTREE. The extension of Bagging, Random Forest, was also used and evaluated. I showed you how to set important hyperparameters and how to tune them by grid search method. The Random Forest method comes most accurate and I highly recommend it for time series forecasting. But, it must be said that feature engineering is very important part also of regression modeling of time series. So, I don’t generalize results for every possible task of time series forecasting.
In the future post, I will write about other bootstrapping techniques for time series or Boosting.