Docker for AWS

Launch Stack on AWS (Costs Money!)

Picked 1 Manager Node (t2.micro), Picked 1 Worker Node (t2.medium or t2.large)

  1. Or 1 Manager Node(t2.medium or t2.large), 0 Worker Nodes(doesn’t matter)

Or CloudFormation->Stacks->Docker->Outputs->Managers

  1. Click on link under “Managers->Value” and see Public DNS of Manager Node

  2. Either use “Connect” in EC2 or

ssh -i “mykey.pem” docker@

Make sure mykey.pem has correct permissions

  1. chmod 400 mykey.pem

**docker service create --name dsnb -p 8888:8888 jupyter/datascience-notebook**

  1. github link, dockerhub link

  2. took about 20 minutes to start up �

  3. docker service inspect dsnb

  4. **docker service ps dsnb**

  5. CloudFormation->Stacks->Docker->Outputs->DefaultDNSTarget for web address

  6. **jupyter notebook list**

Open :?token= in web browser

  1. Use 8888 for in this example

  2. !git clone

!git clone

  1. Python-Lectures/01.ipynb to start, rest are good too


  1. Deploy your app

Other Jupyter/Ipython Github Repositories to clone

  1. !git clone

  2. !git clone

!git clone

  1. notebooks/ipython-notebooks/notebooks/language/Intro.ipynb to start

  2. skimage-tutorials/lectures/00_images_are_arrays.ipynb

  3. docs

Docker images to run


  1. jupyter/datascience-notebook

Docker images that will need to modify to run here, but looking to the future


  1. kaggle/python

  2. kaggle/rstats

  3. docker service create –name quantlib -p 8888:8888 lballabio/quantlib-notebook

  4. Videos at vimeo, blog w/ex, book

  5. ipython docker image

  6. ontouchstart docker image

  7. Twisted logic docker image

  8. Torch/iTorch/Ubuntu 14.04 Docker image: docker pull kaixhin/torch

  9. Torch/iTorch/CUDA 7/Ubuntu 14.04 Docker image: docker pull kaixhin/cuda-torch

Alternatives to Docker for AWS for running Jupyter Notebooks

CoCalc (subscription based)

  1. Website, Pricing, Wikipedia, Chrome Extension, GitHub

  2. Or Run your own CoCalc using their Docker image
