RSiteCatalyst Version 1.4.12 (and 1.4.11) Release Notes

I released version 1.4.12 of RSiteCatalyst before I wrote the release notes for version 1.4.11, so this blog post will treat both releases as one. Users should upgrade directly to version 1.4.12 as the releases are cumulative in nature.

Get* method additions

Two Get* methods were added in this release: GetClickMapReporting and GetPreviousServerCalls, mostly for completeness. Analytics users will likely not need to use these methods, but they are useful for generating documentation.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed GetLogin function, adding selected_ims_group_list parameter to response (caused test suite failure)

  • Fixed issue with ViewProcessingRules where nested rules threw errors (#214)

  • Fixed issue with GetMarketingChannelRules where nested rules threw errors, matches column duplicated values across rows (#180)

  • Added ability to use a segment in QueueDataWarehouse function, which was previously implemented incorrectly (#216)

  • Fixed issue with QueueDataWarehouse not returning the proper number of results when enqueueOnly = FALSE

  • Fixed encoding for QueueDataWarehouse to correctly use UTF-8-BOM (#198)

  • Fixed parser for GetFeeds, to unnest ‘activity’ data frame into discrete columns

  • Fixed issue where message Error in if (!is.null(elements[i, ]$classification) && nchar(elements[i, : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed displayed when using multiple elements in a Queue* function (#207)

In the past month, the number of GitHub issues submitted has increased dramatically, a good problem to have!

I encourage all users of the software to continue reporting bugs via GitHub issues, and especially if you can provide a working code example. Even better, a fix via pull request will ensure that your bug will be addressed in a timely manner and for the benefit to others in the community.