NIPS 2016 Generative Adversarial Training workshop talk

The biggest AI conference of the year has just ended: NIPS in Barcelona broke all records this year and the program was exciting as always. It certainly remains my favorite conference to attend.

One of the best things about NIPS are the numerous high-quality workshops; this year David Lopez-Paz, Alex Radford, and Léon Bottou put together a workshop on Adversarial Training, with most of the content related to generative adversarial networks (GAN).

If you have not heard of GANs before, Ian Goodfellow gave a detailed tutorial on GANs, slides here, earlier in the week and certainly GANs were the hot topic of this years NIPS.

I gave an invited talk at the GAN workshop on the NIPS 2016 paper on f-GAN, authored by Ryota Tomioka, Botond Cseke, and myself.

Here is the slide deck I used during the talk.

Please let me know your feedback.

Acknowledgments. This is joint work with Ryota Tomioka and Botond Cseke.