A tour of Factor: 4

The object system and protocols

Although it is not apparent from what we have said so far, Factor has object-oriented features, and many core words are actually method invocations. To better understand how objects behave in Factor, a quote is in order:

I invented the term Object-Oriented and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind. Alan Kay

The term object-oriented has as many different meanings as people using it. One point of view - which was actually central to the work of Alan Kay - is that it is about late binding of function names. In Smalltalk, the language where this concept was born, people do not talk about calling a method, but rather sending a message to an object. It is up to the object to decide how to respond to this message, and the caller should not know about the implementation. For instance, one can send the message map both to an array and a linked list, but internally the iteration will be handled differently.

The binding of the message name to the method implementation is dynamic, and this is regarded as the core strenght of objects. As a result, fairly complex systems can evolve from the cooperation of independent objects who do not mess with each other internals.

To be fair, Factor is very different from Smalltalk, but still there is the concept of classes, and generic words can defined having different implementations on different classes.

Some classes are builtin in Factor, such as string, boolean, fixnum or word. Next, the most common way to define a class is as a tuple. Tuples are defined with the TUPLE: parsing word, followed by the tuple name and the fields of the class that we want to define, which are called slots in Factor parlance.

Let us define a class for movies:

TUPLE: movie title director actors ;

This also generates setters >>title, >>director and >>actors and getters title>>, director>> and actors>>. For instance, we can create a new movie with

movie new "The prestige" >>title
 "Christopher Nolan" >>director
 { "Hugh Jackman" "Christian Bale" "Scarlett Johansson" } >>actors

We can also shorten this to

"The prestige" "Christopher Nolan"
{ "Hugh Jackman" "Christian Bale" "Scarlett Johansson" }
movie boa

The word boa stands for ‘by-order-of-arguments’ and is a constructor that fills the slots of the tuple with the items on the stack in order. movie boa is called a boa constructor, a pun on the Boa Constrictor. It is customary to define a most common constructor called <movie>, which in our case could be simply

: <movie> ( title director actors -- movie ) movie boa ;

In fact, boa constructor are so common, that the above line can be shortened to

In other cases, you may want to use some defaults, or compute some fields.

The functional minded will be worried about the mutability of tuples. Actually, slots can be declared to be read-only with { slot-name read-only }. In this case, the field setter will not be generated, and the value must be set at the beginning with a boa constructor. Other valid slot modifiers are initial: - to declare a default value - and a class word, such as integer, to restrict the values that can be inserted.

As an example, we define another tuple class for rock bands

TUPLE: band
 { keyboards string read-only }
 { guitar string read-only }
 { bass string read-only }
 { drums string read-only } ;
: <band> ( keyboards guitar bass drums -- band ) band boa ;

together with one instance

"Richard Wright" "David Gilmour" "Roger Waters" "Nick Mason" <band>

Now, of course everyone knows that the star in a movie is the first actor, while in a rock band it is the bass player. To encode this, we first define a generic word

GENERIC: star ( item -- star )

As you can see, it is declared with the parsing word GENERIC: and declares its stack effects but it has no implementation right now, hence no need for the closing ;. Generic words are used to perform dynamic dispatch. We can define implementations for various classes using the word M:

M: movie star actors>> first ;
M: band star bass>> ;

If you write star . two times, you can see the different effect of calling a generic word on instances of different classes.

Builtin and tuple classes are not all that there is to the object system: more classes can be defined with set operations like UNION: and INTERSECTION:. Another way to define a class is as a mixin.

Mixins are defined with the MIXIN: word, and existing classes can be added to the mixin writing

Methods defined on the mixin will then be available on all classes that belong to the mixin. If you are familiar with Haskell typeclasses, you will recognize a resemblance, although Haskell enforces at compile time that instance of typeclasses implement certain functions, while in Factor this is informally specified in documentation.

Two important examples of mixins are sequence and assoc. The former defines a protocol that is available to all concrete sequences, such as strings, linked lists or arrays, while the latter defines a protocol for associative arrays, such as hashtables or association lists.

This enables all sequences in Factor to be acted upon with a common set of words, while differing in implementation and minimizing code repetition (because only few primitives are needed, and other operations are defined for the sequence class). The most common operations you will use on sequences are map, filter and reduce, but there are many more - as you can see with "sequences" help.

Learning the tools

A big part of the productivity of Factor comes from the deep integration of the language and libraries with the tools around them, which are embodied in the listener. Many functions of the listener can be used programmatically, and vice versa. You have seen some examples of this:

the help is navigable online, but you can also invoke it with help and print help items with print-content; the F2 shortcut or the words refresh and refresh-all can be used to refresh vocabularies from disk while continuing working in the listener; the edit word gives you editor integration, but you can also click on file names in the help pages for vocabularies to open them.

The refresh is actually quite smart. Whenever a word is redefined, words that depend on it are recompiled against the new defition. You can check by yourself doing

: inc ( x -- y ) 1 + ;
: inc-print ( x -- ) inc . ;
5 inc-print

and then

: inc ( x -- y ) 2 + ;
5 inc-print

This allows you to always keep a listener open, improving your definitions, periodically saving your definitions to file and refreshing, without ever having to reload Factor.

You can also save the whole state of Factor with the word save-image and later restore it by starting Factor with

./factor -i=path-to-image

In fact, Factor is image-based and only uses files when loading and refreshing vocabularies.

The power of the listener does not end here. Elements of the stack can be inspected by clicking on them, or by calling the word inspector. For instance try writing

TUPLE: trilogy first second third ;
: <trilogy> ( first second third -- trilogy ) trilogy boa ;
"A new hope" "The Empire strikes back" "Return of the Jedi" <trilogy>
"George Lucas" 2array

You will get an item that looks like

{ ~trilogy~ "George Lucas" }

on the stack. Try clicking on it: you will be able to see the slots of the array and focus on the trilogy or on the string by double-clicking on them. This is extremely useful for interactive prototyping. Special objects can customize the inspector by implementing the content-gadget method.

There is another inspector for errors. Whenever an error arises, it can be inspected with F3. This allows you to investigate exceptions, bad stack effects declarations and so on. The debugger allows you to step into code, both forwards and backwards, and you should take a moment to get some familiarity with it. You can also trigger the debugger manually, by entering some code in the listener and pressing Ctrl+w.

Another feature of the listener allows you to benchmark code. As an example, we write an intentionally inefficient Fibonacci:

DEFER: fib-rec
: fib ( n -- f(n) ) dup 2 < [ ] [ fib-rec ] if ;
: fib-rec ( n -- f(n) ) [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi + ;

(notice the use of DEFER: to define two mutually recursive words). You can benchmark the running time writing 40 fib and then pressing Ctrl+t instead of Enter. You will get timing information, as well as other statistics. Programmatically, you can use the time word on a quotation to do the same.

You can also add watches on words, to print inputs and outputs on entry and exit. Try writing

and then run 10 fib to see what happens. You can then remove the watch with \ fib reset.

Another very useful tool is the lint vocabulary. This scans word definitions to find duplicated code that can be factored out. As an example, let us define a word to check if a string starts with another one. Create a test vocabulary

and add the following definition

USING: kernel sequences ;
IN: lintme

: startswith? ( str sub -- ? ) dup length swapd head = ;

Load the lint tool with USE: lint and write "lintme" lint-vocab. You will get a report mentioning that the word sequence length swapd is already used in the word (split) of splitting.private, hence it could be factored out.

Now, you would not certainly want to modify the source of a word in the standard library - let alone a private one - but in more complex cases the lint tool is able to find actual repetitions. It is a good idea to lint your vocabularies from time to time, to avoid code duplication and as a good way to discover library words that you may have accidentally redefined.

Finally, there are a few utilities to inspect words. You can see the definition of a word in the help tool, but a quicker way can be see. Or, vice versa, you may use usage. to inspect the callers of a given word. Try \ reverse see and \ reverse usage..

In the next post, we will start doing some metaprogramming in Factor.

Until then!